D-E Educational Campus

4.3.1 Purpose

The D-E zone addresses educational campuses, often formally disposed, multiple-building sites centered around a series of interconnected open spaces.

4.3.2 General

All development in the D-E zone must comply with the form standards of this section, as well as any applicable standards in other sections, including the following:

Principal UsesSection 6.1
Accessory UsesSection 6.2
Temporary UsesSection 6.3
LandscapeSection 7.1
Fences and WallsSection 7.2
StormwaterSection 7.3
Outdoor LightingSection 7.4
Corner VisibilitySection 7.5
Site ImpactsSection 7.6
Pedestrian AccessSection 8.1
Bicycle Access and ParkingSection 8.2
Vehicle Access and ParkingSection 8.3
Transportation Demand ManagementSection 8.4
On-Premise SignsSection 9.2
BlocksSection 10.1
Rights-of-WaySection 10.2
NonconformitiesSection 12.1

4.3.3 Lot

Lot Dimensions

ALot area (min)5,000 SF
BLot width (min)50’

Lot Coverage

CBuilding coverage (max)90%
DImpervious coverage (max)100%

4.3.4 Siting

Building Setbacks

AFront yard (min)0’
BCorner side yard (min)0’
CInterior side yard (min)0’
DRear yard (min)0’

4.3.5 Height

ABuilding height (max)6 stories1

Supplemental Standards

1 Up to 12 stories may be allowed only with approval of City Planning Board as part of major site plan review.

Story Height

Finished ground floor level (min/max)N/A


Ground floor transparencyfront facade (min) N/A
Ground floor transparencycorner side facade (min) N/A
Upper floor transparencyfront and corner side facades (min) N/A

Pedestrian Access

Main entrance locationN/A

4.3.7 Specific Standards

  1. Any campus of two acres or more in area must be organized around one or more focal points, such as squares or greens, that provide orientation and identity. Such focal points must compose a minimum of 10% of the land area of the campus and be placed so that pedestrians on campus are not more than 1,320 feet distant from one. These spaces must be framed by buildings, helping to generate centers of campus life.
  2. All principal buildings, with the exception of those located more than 200 feet from a public thoroughfare, must be oriented to the thoroughfares onto which they face, with front and corner facades positioned parallel or radial to adjacent right-of-way lines.
  3. The following exterior facade materials are restricted on principal buildings:
    1. Exterior insulating finishing systems (EIFS) are prohibited on the ground story of front and corner side facades, and are limited to 20% on upper stories of front and corner side facades.
    2. Standard, fluted, or split face concrete masonry units (CMUs) are prohibited above the basement level on front and corner side facades. Glazed or heavily polished CMUs are allowed.
    3. Vinyl siding is prohibited.
    4. Reflective wall surface material with a Visible Light Reflectance (VLR) of greater than 15% is prohibited.