Fences and Walls
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7.2.1 General
- The construction of a new fence or wall, or reconstruction of at least 50% of an existing fence or wall, must comply with the standards of this section. The height standards of this section do not apply to fences or walls required for buffer yards, which are addressed by Section 7.1.6.
- A fence or wall may encroach upon any required yard, except for a required waterfront yard, so long as the fence or wall is aligned parallel or radial to the adjacent property line. No fence or wall may be erected in a required waterfront yard.
- No fence or wall may encroach upon a public right-of-way, conflict with required corner visibility, interfere with any utility line, or obstruct any legally required ingress or egress point.
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7.2.2 Design and Construction
- Fences and walls must be constructed of permanent, durable materials, such as brick, stone, concrete, textile block, wood, iron, or steel. Vinyl or chain link fence materials are not allowed in the N-1D, N-1C, N-2C, N-2E, N-3C, or N-3E zones.
- No fence or wall may be constructed of barbed wire, concertina wire, razor wire, electrically charged wire, railroad ties; standard, fluted, or split face concrete masonry units (CMU); scrap metal, tarps, or any other material determined by the Commissioner of Permit and Inspection Services to be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare.
- The height of all fences and walls is measured from the average ground level within two feet of the base of the fence or wall. An additional one foot of height is allowed, above the maximum permitted height, for posts, columns, light fixtures, or other decorative details.